Synophtic Maps
Forecast range Update interval
Medium Range Forecast 7 days 12 hr
10-Day Precipitation Outlook 10 days 12 hr
10-Day Temperature Outlook 10 days 12 hr
Unisys MRF 10 days 24 hr
NOAA short & medium range - meteograms, maps and more 84hr to 12days depend in the selected model
WRF Model96 hr 6 hr
WRF accumulated 72-hour rainfall72 hr 12 hr
Unisys ECMWF Model 6 days 12 hr
Skiron model 72 hr 12 hr
WeatherOnlineUp to 14 days 6 hr
ECMWF Rainfall and MSLP10 days 12 hr
Meteociel - GFS, UKMO, ECMWFUp to 10 days depend in the selected model
Top Karten Up to 14 days depend in the selected model


World wind map

World rain, temperature, wind and pressure map

SLP maps + 500mb GH, 850mb temperature from 1950 up today
SLP maps 1899-1949