This is my weather station. It's installed about 50 meters above sea level.
The Ashkelon meteorological station is operated since March 2002.
The station is located about 2.5 km from the sea.


Important clarifications
1. Use any data on this site at your own responsibility.
2. This site owner is not responsible for any external link content.
3. This site owner is not responsible for any damages, in any form, by use of sections 1-2.

Here is a list of all real-time info on this site:








Update rate


Update rate



every 5 minutes,

288 daily updates


Once an hour/day, depends on selection

Heat index



Once an hour/day, depends on selection

Dew point




Rel. humidity



Once an hour/day, depends on selection


milibar (mb)


Once an hour/day, depends on selection

Wind direction

degrees, devided into sectors


Once an hour/day, depends on selection

Wind speed



Once an hour/day, depends on selection


milimeter (mm)


Once an hour/day, depends on selection

Solar radiation



Once an hour/day, depends on selection

Rain rate




Info about the station:
Manufactor: Davis
Model: Vantage Pro 2

The sensors:
-Inside and outside temperature / humidity sensors
-Wind speed and direction sensors
-Rain collector

-Solar radiation sensor
-Memory module for storing weather data

Installed station on the roof